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Sexual Health

Female Shot


Reasons: poor sensation, low libido or sexual desire, and painful intercourse.


Procedure:  PRP helps to improve the blood vessels and make tissue healthier. The growth factors & proteins released by the high concentration of platelets in PRP activate stem cells and stimulate cellular repair and regeneration wherever they are applied in the body. In addition, collagen production and the formation of new blood vessels occurs and further aids in tissue repair.



• Increased sexual desire

• Increased arousal

• Increased lubrication

• A heightened orgasm during sex or masturbation

• Decreased or completely resolved pain during sex (known as dyspareunia)

• Increased ability to have vaginal orgasms

• Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation

• A tighter vaginal canal (if felt to be too loose prior)

• A more elastic vaginal canal (if felt to be too tight prior, usually after menopause)

• Younger, smoother skin externally (lips of the vagina)

• Decreased or resolved overactive bladder and/or urinary incontinence

• Stronger and more frequent orgasms

• Increased vaginal lubrication



P Shot


Reasons: ED (Erectile dysfunction)


ProcedurePRP helps to improve the blood vessels and make tissue healthier. The growth factors & proteins released by the high concentration of platelets in PRP activate stem cells and stimulate cellular repair and regeneration wherever they are applied in the body. In addition, collagen production and the formation of new blood vessels occurs and further aids in tissue repair.





• Stronger, firmer erections


• Easier to achieve and maintain erections (i.e., improved sexual stamina)


• Increased penile length and girth


• Improvement in or resolution of penile curvature from Peyronie’s Disease or Penile fibrosis


• Resolution of penile pain with erection


• Increased sensitivity in the penis


• Better overall blood flow to the penis

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